Friday, June 05, 2020

Usage Note: disadvantage

  • (of people) not having the benefits, such as enough money and a healthy social situation, that others have, and therefore having less opportunity to be successful.
  • lacking money or opportunities
  1. Head Start is an educational program for disadvantaged preschool children.
  2. The scheme received backing from millionaire philanthropist Peter Lampi, who has also been prominent in the bid to recruit disadvantaged children to university.
  3. This non profit organization provides hair prosthesis to disadvantaged children age 18 and younger.
  4. This distribution charity gives disadvantaged families donated vehicles.
  5. Some of the local programs offer disadvantaged women funding options.

at a disadvantage
  • in a situation in which you are less likely to succeed than others
  • in an unfavorable position
  1. The strength of the company puts competitors at a great disadvantage.
  2. The team was at a disadvantage because their captain had been sent off.
  3. She felt that being so young put her at a disadvantage for the executive position.
  4. The new rules may put European farmers at a disadvantage .
  5. His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Agree with vs. Agree to

Agree with: To agree with a suggestion or a course of action is to regard it with approval. Also, facts may agree with (correspond to) each other.
  • I completely agree with your recent editorial.
  • I don't agree with what they're doing.
  • His second statement agrees with the facts.
  • agreed with the approach Sarah adopted.
  • Your data do not agree with our results.

Agree to: To agree to a suggestion or a course of action is to give consent.
  • She had agreed to go and see a movie with him
  • Club members have provisionally agreed to the changes.
  • The company agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of a lengthy legal case.
  • He agreed to pay me for the drawings.
  • All senators agree to a postponement.